Marin 9 to 25 Quarterly Meeting: March 16, 2022
By Kate Becerra

Thank you to those who were able to attend Marin 9 to 25’s third held quarterly meeting, which met virtually on March 16, 2022. There was a great turnout, with 60 participants, including 16 youth between the ages of 9 and 25. Marin 9 to 25 co-chairs Alexa Davidson and Talia Harter hosted the event and led the Q&A sessions following each presentation. Talia and Alexa kicked off the event by introducing two new advisors to Marin 9 to 25, Adrian Aragon from the Multicultural Center of Marin and Michelle Drake from the Marin County Office of Education. Adrian and Michelle discussed the impact of Marin 9 to 25 on their work, through opportunities for youth leadership and promotion of youth health and wellness.

Amy Rogers, Director of Programs for California School Based Health Alliance was the keynote speaker and discussed the importance of improving the health and academic success of children and youth by advancing health services in schools. School based health centers deliver age-appropriate, clinical health care services including sexual wellness and mental health. These centers are located on or near a school campus. They are student-focused and may also serve siblings, family members, and the community. Having these centers available for students promotes school-wide health and success in academics.

The lightning round theme was substance use prevention and harm reduction, and consisted of a five-minute presentations for three county initiatives: RxSafe Marin Youth Action Team presented by Lauren Kershenbaum, Cameron Henn and Jessica Mendieta; Youth Action for Safe Stores presented by Yavar Amidi; and the Spahr Center presented by Romario Conrado. Each presenter gave an overview of the important work that they do in the community to support youth in Marin, and minimize the accessibility of alcohol and other drugs.

In honor of National Nutrition Month, the Multicultural Center of Marin presented on their food distribution program, with a presentation by volunteers Lindsey Smith, Kimberly Escobar, and Yinni De Leon. They highlighted the meaningful connections they made through volunteering for the food pantry, and how they enjoy seeing the impact they are making on the Marin community through their work.

The meeting concluded with workgroup updates, community announcements and a lobby in which participants were able to ask questions as well as continue the discussion around the presentations. The survey that was completed by attendees indicated that youth would like to learn more about organizations that focus on youth sexual health, health equity, and mental health. They would also like to learn more about scholarships and other opportunities available to youth in Marin.

Feedback from the survey indicated that through Marin 9 to 25, participants have learned about programs they were not aware of before. One participant wrote, “Marin 9 to 25 has helped me collaborate with different organizations and make sure my projects reach all of Marin’s communities.”

Please send feedback, lightning round suggestions, and community announcements (job opportunities, meetings, events, etc.) to